
If You Do These 5 Things, 2016 Will Be Unbelievable.

You want a great 2016? I'm here to make it happen.If you own a business, work for an organization, or are in transition, these five things will make 2016 shine:

#1 — Take small steps in 2016.

Everyone wants to make big changes in their life — it's built into our genes and personality. We all want to evolve into something better. More money, beautiful body, better health, more clients, or a big promotion. Unfortunately, most of the time, it doesn't happen because we want it to happen NOW.

Instead of making that huge long jump towards our goals, why not break it down into smaller tasks, activities, or steps? Going for that big promotion? What can you do right now — today — to help your boss, your team, or your department grow? What new thing do you need to do? What old thing do you need to stop? Small steps quickly build into major gains and people will notice quickly. Read this.

#2 — Your schedule is your life in 2016.

You can never add more time to your life — we only have 24 hours each day. So instead of trying to 'trick' more time into your life, try to stick to a solid schedule and track the more important events that do make a difference in our career and business.

Try to cut 10% of your lower-level activities every day and stop wasting time with surfing, chatting, useless meetings and less industrious activities. If you cut just 10%, you will garner almost an hour back into each workday. Just think if you had an extra hour to do some really cool stuff for your boss or clients! Read this.

#3 — Get out and meet lots of people in 2016.

Stop cocooning yourself at your desk behind your monitor. Make a firm commitment to get out (at least) once a week to connect with people outside of your current social circle.

Why? The more people you meet = the more friends you make = the more open you are to opportunities = the more success you will see. If you do this once a week, you will add 52 new friends to your contact list. I want you to make a list of FIVE people who you need to meet in the next five weeks. Get out there! Read this.

#4 — Work on yourself in 2016.

Mentally and physically. You can always get better — more knowledgable, more in-tune with the times, more healthy and active, more connected to what's really happening in 2016. I'm a boomer/millennial and it drives me nuts to see people my age who don't know how to work their technology, don't listen to important podcasts, or keep up on what's happening outside of their workplace.

Make a firm commitment to grow your brain and body. Join a gym, hire a personal trainer, go back to school, listen to podcasts, read a book, try a series of courses on the web, or just start stretching (your body and mind). I want you out for a 10 minute walk at 3 PM every day. And Watch this. (one of my favorite videos - by Casey Neistat - it gets me going!).

#5 — Be grateful for what you have in 2016.

When we are in building mode during the first few weeks of the new year — we tend to forget how lucky we all are. That we have a strong roof over our heads, we are never hungry, we have our health, we have people who love us — this list can go on and on.

Make a point each day to get up and write down three things you are grateful for each day. It could even be a beautiful sunrise, a bird on a tree, or getting to work in the snow without mishap. The more grateful you are, the more you will appreciate your life, your family, and friends. And they will appreciate you. Read this and this.

ALSO - Check out The Five Minute Journal — I have one and it has made an incredible impact on my life. 

#6 — EXTRA CREDIT: Start hugging TODAY.

Get out there and hug people! If you see someone you haven't seen in a long while — give them a great big bear hug! I know I might be venturing into the edges of 'sexual harassment' at work territory, but on a personal note — start hugging everyone. Not only will you love it — they will appreciate it! Read this.

If you liked what you read...

Let’s talk. I’ve worked with thousands of executives and business owners like you — call or email me to schedule a complimentary session. What do you have to lose?

My Favorite Podcasts — Tim Ferriss.

If you know me, I am an avid podcast listener. At any one time, I have between 15-20 podcasts on my iPhone and I listen to them in the car when I commute to my office on the water. I've been a fan of Tim Ferriss ever since he published his first book "The Four Hour Workweek". Unfortunately, many people, to this day, still chide him for his egregious title - "No one can fit 40 hours of work into four hours!".

They're missing the point. Tim sets the stage not to curtail your workweek into four hours, but to constantly look at all the things you do and use tools, techniques, tips, gear, and habits to streamline your behavior.

His new podcast (he just started over a year ago) is PHENOMENAL. Well thought out, interesting, insightful and most of all, Tim procures the BEST people to interview.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • Matt Mullenweg (he started Wordpress) has been named one of PC World’s Top 50 People on the Web, Inc.com’s 30 under 30, and Business Week’s 25 Most Influential People on the Web.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger… at his kitchen table. Tim and Arnold cover how he started, how he excels and what he does to this day to stay at the top of his game.
  • Marc Goodman has been a Resident Futurist for the FBI and a senior adviser to Interpol. In this episode, Tim and Marc go deep into the digital underground to expose the alarming ways criminals, corporations, and even countries are using emerging technologies against you…and some simple steps you can take to decrease your vulnerability.
  • Ryan Holiday, author of The Obstacle Is The Way, started as a Director of Marketing at American Apparel at age 21 (!). He gets more heat, makes more high-stakes decisions, and take more risks in a given week than most people experience in any given quarter. He also happens to be a die-hard Stoic and incredible at putting the principles into practice.

Sit back, load them on your iPhone, put your headphones on, and enjoy. Each one has changed my life and thinking.