The Best Kept Secret In Business.

topsecretIt boggles the mind. I can't tell you how many times in my career as an adviser and coach to executives that I've heard phrases like:

  • "You're a lifesaver Rich — I don't know how I could have done this without you."
  • "You're there when I need you."
  • "You helped me reach farther than I've ever reached before."

But I'm not here to extol my accolades . . . I just wanted to let you in on a little secret many executives use to climb up the corporate ladder and stay at the top for a very long time:

They all have a Personal Coach.

You would be quite surprised how many of us are out there working in the background, helping our clients jump from one great opportunity to another, celebrate success after success, and have fun doing it. Oh — and along the way making gobs of money.

If you just asked them if they have a coach, you would be surprised by their answer.

So I have a little bit of homework for you to do next week:

Sit down and think of the most successful person that you know. Call them up. Ask if they have a coach.

They probably do.