My Seven Favorite Motivational Videos.

Every year, I try to think of something to give away to all of my clients, colleagues, and friends. This year, I would like to offer up my Top 7 motivational videos I watch regularly to help add a little bit of energy and enthusiasm to my life.

I know you'll enjoy them — so without further ado (and in no special order) . . .

1. 5'7'' White Kid Dunks After 6 Months Of Training.

2. Meet the Gutsy Dad That Started a Car Wash to Help His Son Find Purpose.

3. We Stopped Dreaming - Neil deGrasse Tyson.

4. TED Talk: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are.

5. Jack LaLanne truly was ahead of his time. Here he is speaking on "The Secret of Happiness."

6. What will your last 10 years look like?

7. This is Water - Commencement Speech by David Foster Wallace

Extra Credit: Rise & Shine! The Ultimate Motivational Clip.