Prove To Yourself That You Can Do The Hard Things In Life.

In the mid-1990s, J.K. Rowling found herself in what she has described as "rock bottom." Recently divorced, living on state benefits, and with a dependent child, she was diagnosed with clinical depression. During this challenging time, she began writing 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' in cafés around Edinburgh while her daughter Jessica slept beside her in a pram.

When she finished the manuscript, she sent it to numerous publishers, only to be met with rejection. Rowling's efforts seemed fruitless, and her situation remained the same – she was a single mother living on state benefits and now an aspiring author with a manuscript nobody seemed to want.

However, she didn't let the circumstances defeat her. She believed in her story and her ability to tell it. So she kept trying. After countless rejections, the manuscript finally landed on the desk of Barry Cunningham at Bloomsbury Publishing. He decided to give it a chance. But even then, he warned Rowling that she should get a day job because she wouldn't make much money in children's books.

J.K. Rowling, however, proved him wrong. Harry Potter became a worldwide phenomenon. Today, she's one of the wealthiest authors in the world, but more importantly, her books have touched the lives of millions of readers around the globe.

This story illuminates J.K. Rowling's journey through some of the most challenging parts of her life. It's a powerful reminder that believing in ourselves, persisting through the hard times, and continuing to work towards our dreams, even when impossible, can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Everyone is a mélange of potent talents, remarkable abilities, and untapped potentials. Despite this fact, we often find ourselves battling with self-doubt, indecision, and fear. The immense difficulty of stepping out of our comfort zones and surmounting life's challenges is often what holds us back. The secret to overcoming this isn't some mystical wisdom. It is proving to yourself that you can, indeed, do the hard things in life.

We each have our battles to fight and mountains to climb. Life can be a relentless test of resilience, from physical challenges to mental barriers, from emotional traumas to financial predicaments. But what if we could turn this picture around? What if we could tell ourselves a different narrative in which we aren't just surviving but thriving?

Let's dive deeper and understand how to rewrite this narrative, one hard thing at a time.

Embrace The Difficulty

The first thing to acknowledge is that life is hard. It is filled with uncertainties, disappointments, and failures. It's like a roller-coaster; sometimes, you're up, and sometimes down. The trick is not to make life easier but to make yourself stronger. Embrace the difficulty. See it not as a hindrance but as an opportunity to grow. Understand that adversity is what sharpens us and pushes us beyond our limits.

Practice Persistence

It's about something other than getting it right the first time. It's about sticking with it until you get it right. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is resilience and tenacity. It takes time, dedication, and immense perseverance to reach the finish line. Sometimes, it might seem easier to throw in the towel, but that's when you need to remind yourself why you started in the first place.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

This is where the magic happens. Cultivating a growth mindset means believing you can improve and grow through experience and practice. This means embracing challenges, persisting in the face of setbacks, learning from criticism, and finding lessons and inspiration in the success of others. It's the belief that you can change, adapt, and evolve. This mindset is what sets the doers apart from the dreamers.

Build a Support Network

We are social beings, and our journey becomes a lot easier when we have like-minded people around us. Build a support network of people who inspire, challenge, and believe in you. They will pick you up when you fall, motivate you when you're running out of steam, and celebrate your victories with you.

Celebrate Small Victories

No matter how small, every step you take in the right direction is a victory. It's essential to celebrate these small wins. They serve as a reminder that you are making progress and moving forward. It boosts your confidence and keeps you motivated.

Let's boil them down into actionable steps:

1. Acknowledge the Hard Things: Be honest about what you find challenging. It's not a sign of weakness but the first step towards growth.

2. Set a Goal: A clear, tangible goal gives you something to aim for. Make sure it's measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

3. Embrace the Process: Understand that it's a journey. There will be obstacles and setbacks, but they are part of the process. Don't rush it.

4. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Approach each challenge believing you can overcome and learn from it. This is what will fuel your persistence and resilience.

5. Build Your Support Network: Seek out individuals or groups who will support and inspire you. Remember, it's okay to ask for help.

6. Celebrate Your Progress: Recognize and celebrate each small victory. This will keep you motivated and remind you how far you've come.

The journey to prove that you can do the hard things in life is not easy, but it's worth it. Remember, the more complex the battle, the sweeter the victory. You are more capable than you know. You have to believe it and then prove it.

Pick one today and try it.